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Monday, November 22, 2010


Concept design for my web graphic design class. found the image through Google.

***My Saved Google Image Search***

Can't get into the site that has the image to give credit, but that's where I got the stock...

The stock photo used in this image was used strictly for educational purposes as I pursue my education. If you took this picture or are in it, and would like to receive credit or be named, just shoot me a message.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome to the Church of Music


Soothes the savage soul.
Can make one feel whole.
Inspires the minds of youth.
Speaks the painful truth.

Music creates controversy.
Music brings people together on common ground.
Music rocks the boat, making waves, causing that unsettled feeling deep down inside.
Music heals that feeling.

Music has created cultures.
Music has torn cultures apart.
Music is a central part of every major religion.
Music has been attacked by religious extremists, who forget what the Bible says.
Music is exalted.
The book of Psalms was meant to be sung.

Music can inspire one to dance, or to sleep, all in the same song.
Music can tell a story.
Music can create protest.
Music inspires emotion.
and in some cases, Euphoria.

Music can change the world.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Never thought I'd do the blog thing... this could be interesting, or not... Could be boring and a complete fail, I suppose that would be what I contribute.. AHHH!!! I'm losing it. Hmmm.... so random I surprised myself...

I made this in web graphic design class for a background... standard 1024x768 resolution... YAY!

1024x768 jpg